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music —
A recent song made using modular synthesizer, electronics and Ableton LivePerformance excerpt, ACRE Residency, Steuben, WI. Live video with Max/MSP Jitter, modular synthesizer, Ableton, and custom installation.
kim-acre-exrpt from Kim Nucci on Vimeo.
videos and installations —
video score for performance with Marissa Dietz from Kim Nucci on Vimeo.
Interactive installation with Processing3 with custom Arduino controllers with photocell and potentiometer control running on a Mac Mini, fixed 2-ch audio made on Moog IIIP synthesizer, custom installation and set design from Kim Nucci on Vimeo.
Self[ie] examination from Kim Nucci on Vimeo.
1 projector, 3 screens, webcam, Max/MSP Jitter.
dream_oracle from Kim Nucci on Vimeo.
dream_oracle installation at Mills College, generative projection via Max/MSP Jitter, custom set piece with arduino controlled LED light and hidden speaker.

Paintings —
cracklepainting from Kim Nucci on Vimeo.
Michelle playing my crackepainting, a Krackdoos or Cracklebox modified with a noisy LFO generating circuit. Contact points are electroconductive paint and copper tape.

The day job — hiding in a server closet, playing with jitter while updating the Ubiquiti access points and router. Installation and system architecture designed by me for California Jazz Conservatory Fiddler Annex.